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20/20 Vision and Hope Workshop  


Join a hands-on interactive workshop to connect to your “WHY” and create a foundation to support your purpose.


• Learn Key Steps to Making Vision a Reality 

• Identify Core Values and Strengths

• Science Based Visualization

• Create a Personalized Vision Board

• Have Fun! 


• Small Group is $45 Per Person 

• 1:1 is $85 for 1.5 Hours

"The vision board workshop was special to me. As a full time working mom I never take the time to think about myself. It was pleasant to get my thoughts in order on how I envisioned my life changing for the better. Made me realize how to refocus some of my goals that mean the most to me. The workshop helped remind me of the mom, employee and wife I want to be and how I could focus my efforts on becoming that person. It actually made me cry because there were some things I realized I really wanted to make a reality and never having the time to reflect on how to make it happen made it even more special to me.


Thank you so much for helping me!"

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