1:1 Coaching
Individual clients are highly functioning individuals who choose to work with a coach to make more progress toward their goals and dreams than they would on their own.
Clients supply the agenda or topic of discussion for each session and are responsible for their own feelings, decisions, and actions.
Individual coaching sessions are one hour in length and can be done either face to face or via telephone.
Examples of Coaching Session Agendas:
• Relationship conflict resolution
• Divorce recovery
• Support during a transition in life
• Overcoming fear
• Challenges in motherhood
• Teen parenting
• Moms of multiples

#1. I have lost hope.
#2. I need tools to build healthy, loving relationships.
#3. I am recently divorced and need a new support system.
#4. I struggle with negative thinking and lack of confidence.
#5. As a mom, I am overwhelmed and discouraged.
#6. I have lost my identity and want to embrace a new one.
#7. I known I cannot grow in isolation.
#8. I am in transition to a new stage in life.
#9. I need help to navigate my complicated life.
#10. I want to let go of the past and look forward to the future.