You Can Do It
Twenty years ago plus 32 weeks, I was having an ultrasound to determine how many babies I was carrying. The count stopped at 4. From that moment on, I was often told, “You can do it”!
Over the course of the past twenty years, I told my children I believed in them and quite often said, “You can do it”! It was meant to empower them and help them overcome fear responses that would come in to hinder their movement forward.
My four children just turned twenty. I decided to “gift” them with an experience of time together in Colorado Springs, to create memories. I booked a zip line tour and was very excited as we ventured out. I was so busy planning and focusing on them, I did not realize this adventure was out of my comfort zone. As we were strapped in our gear, I felt my heart begin to race and my thoughts consumed with fear. I could not remember the protocol for braking or landing. My logical mind was blocked. I did not anticipate zipping through the mountains in pouring rain, nor flying through the air for 1500 feet. It was down to the last line and I was struggling. My daughter and sister noticed and looked me in the eye and said, “You can do it”! And I did. Their words acknowledged my condition and shifted my mindset.
This experience made me realize how the truth planted in the heart of my children came back to me. Truth is a gift, just when I needed it. It illustrated the principle of sowing and reaping. They saw a strength in me I could not see in the moment. I also understood how others feel when they are the only fearful one and are overcome with the fight or flight response. It increased my empathy for others.
It was, indeed, a memorable birthday celebration!
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13