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New Beginnings

Anytime. Anywhere. Many times over.

My older brother just got married. He is in his mid-sixties. I saw him in NM this summer in the midst of his new romance and he looked the happiest I have ever seen him, and literally 10 years younger.

I was amazed. His countenance, his language, his presence were “new”. It made me happy and gave me hope.

Over 200 people celebrated his wedding.

His new beginning came as a surprise to him a few months prior. It was a connection in a place of worship, without a set plan or time. The desire of his heart was fulfilled.

New beginnings don’t have to begin at the New Year. They have come to me as surprises, from places I don’t expect. The key for me is to keep the desire alive, so when they present themselves to me, I SEE them and welcome them into my life. And I remind myself the simple truth: each sunrise brings a new beginning.

I’ve had multiple new beginnings over the past 10 years. After my divorce in 2009, I chose to embrace a new career in Life Coaching. In 2010, the kids and I moved to Austin and began a new life. As they moved on to college and beyond, my new beginning was labeled “empty nest”.

New beginnings can be very noticeable, but they can also be less visible. It could be a new view of me, a new beginning to a friendship, a new hobby or a new rhythm of rest. A new attitude toward God, or a new form of communication.

I want to be open to the largely visible and less visible new beginnings. The truth is:

All new beginnings bring energy to my life.

All new beginnings challenge me to grow.

All new beginnings can bring freedom from chains that have keep me from my fulfilling my destiny.

Anywhere. Any place. Many times over.

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

Isaiah 43:18


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