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Legacy Seeds

I moved from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Austin with my 12 year old quadruplets July 4th, 2010. High school awaited them.

I had just launched my New Season New Vision life coaching business and we would discuss and practice using my new found well-being “tools”.

One of the first tools we practiced was gratitude. I found myself driving countless hours taking the kids to school, four different extracurricular activities, outings and team practices. On our way to school, I had them say out loud, three things they were grateful for and one acknowledgment of themselves. We did this every day until they were independent drivers and I would just wave goodbye from our porch. I learned shortly after, they had chosen to continue the three gratitude statements and one acknowledgement.

Fast forward 8 years, my son is in his last year at NYU and told me he and his roommate decided to do one gratitude each morning.

My mom and dad supported an orphanage in Mexico and I remember being fascinated with their work. The seed of outreach in third world countries was planted in my heart.

When I was 17 years old, I volunteered for Amigos de Las Americas and spent a summer in Central Mexico building latrines and giving dental programs to the local school.

My daughter has just recently decided to join Amigos de las Americas and will be spending the summer in Ecuador working with a rural community.

One word keeps coming to my mind: Legacy.

I have noticed over the years, the little sprouts of well-being coming up in the lives of my now 22 year old quadruplets. The seeds planted all those years, from family, faith and community have truly begun to bloom and I am seeing the fruit of that labor.

It is never too early to plant seeds of legacy into the lives of others. And it is never too late to begin to plant seeds. It brings great joy to SEE the flowers from legacy seeds blooming all around us.

We reap what we sow.

And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:7-9



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