Ask For What You Want

“I want the whole family to gather together at the farm, one last time.”
Spoken by my 87 year old mom a little less than a year ago. (in great health)
The last time our entirefamily was together was my dads’ memorial service in 2007. I will never forget the words he spoke to me when I asked for his parting wisdom.
He said, “Take time to make memories.”
Easter weekend, our entire family came together and fulfilled my mom’s wish. There were 4 generations, 44 of us on the farm where my mom and dad began to build their dream, where I grew up and where my children spent countless weekends. It was a time to share memories, make new memories, worship, strengthen relationships and have fun!
My moms’ words to us focused on the fact that although we have faced numerous challenges, obstacles, losses and hardships, it is our love and faith that kept us bonded and unified.
As I savor this incredible experience with my family, I am so thankful my mom asked for what she truly wanted. She trusted us, knowing we want to contribute to meeting her wants and needs.
If she had not had the courage or self-awareness to acknowledge what was in her heart, we would have missed out on a monumental moment in our family legacy.
I feel I am taking away a heart lesson. Do I have the courage to speak my heart desires?
How often do I take time to “see” what is in my heart? Do I believe others want to contribute to meeting my heart desires?
Speaking truth to others, not only frees me, it can create opportunities to make memories of a lifetime.
Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7