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The Swirl of Receiving and Giving

I spent the last 7 days at a remote retreat center in Atlanta, learning how to teach

mindful self-compassion. A group of us were headed out for a hike and on my way, I twisted my ankle and fell flat! No hike for me.

Over the next few days, I experienced an “infusion” of compassion and loving kindness. I had just met these fellow learners and they felt like family.

I decided to give myself permission to receive. Fully. It was unlike my small doses of “receive mode” I usually allowed. I noticed the joy on the faces of those giving to me knowing I was taking it all in.

I shared through tears with my small group, my word for 2019 was receive, and throughout my life, I had been through seasons of extreme giving. I said I noticed how this “infusion” of compassion enlarged my capacity to receive and interestingly enough, enlarged my capacity to give. This amazed me.

I began to get creative ideas for my life, work and relationships. I felt energized. I could give from a place of power, confidence and love, all fueled and sustained by receiving.

This was in contrast of my normal pattern of “filling up” when I am below empty. I want to be mindful of times I close off the receiving and go into give mode. So, I decided to call it my “Swirl of Receiving and Giving.”

And as I returned home, I recognized this dark cloud of injury had a beautiful silver lining.

And we know all things God works for the good of those who love him.

Romans 8:28


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