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Do Nothing

Saturday mornings. I wake up happy.

A day to rest my mind.

I look forward to the Saturdays I give myself permission to “do nothing”.

I release all expectations and requirements, “to do’s” and begin to tune in to what I need and how I feel.

There’s no other day in the week like this. I let myself “be.”

I may go for a walk or just stay in and reading for hours. I may go to a coffee shop or I may get extra sleep.

It is a time to listen to the silence of my heart and take note of “me”.

When my four children were young, we had “room time”.

They had time set aside to themselves, in their own rooms.

I did not dictate the activity, only the routine and time frame. If they said they were board, I thought that was a good as it trained them to be creative and figure out what they really wanted to do with their “own” time.

Maybe it was to do nothing.

They were unplugged from the world and plugged into themselves.

It is easy to get caught up in the fast pace of life with unending tasks and activities and speed through the days, weeks, months and years.

I see the speed limit signs that light up and display your mph and flash: “Slow down”.

When I see them, I actually do slow down to the set speed limit. It is there for a reason.

It would be enlightening to have those signs flashing saying: “Over the limit”, “Too many Tasks”, “Take a Break!”


“Do Nothing.”

When I “did nothing” last Saturday, I received creative ideas, contentment, rest and satisfaction with myself. It was my turn to receive.

One day per week.

“Room time”.

Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest, you must rest. Exodus 34:21



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