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Broken Pieces

As the seasons come and go in the physical realm, so do the seasons of life in my soul.

Some bring new adventure, some bring breakthrough, some bring brokenness.

It is easy to share, post and celebrate the adventure and breakthrough, but what do I do with the broken pieces?

My self-compassion training has opened my eyes to see the potential for beauty in reconstructing the broken pieces.

Most of us just throw away a broken vase or bowl.

The Japanese have a different belief and practice. When they have a bowl to mend, they make it shine by filling the cracks with gold. All the cracks and scars were not hidden.

Of course, in all eyes, it was not what it used to be, but in a collectors mind, it was made more beautiful and worth a higher price.

I closed the session of our mindful self-compassion class with the song by Peter Mayer featuring the art of Japanese bowls. The lyrics permeated my mind and heart in the following weeks.

I looked at all those around me and when confronted with hard, pressing and challenging life situations, I pictured the person or myself as a beautiful “bowl” in formation.

I am free to let my imperfections, cracks and brokenness show. I choose to see others with the same mindset.

Maybe to those who experience various levels of brokenness, it can bring hope and help them to feel they are not alone, allowing themselves to be fully seen.

A priceless gift in this season of life.

One step further: Life coaching and Flourishing Skills groups

Thank you for making me so mysteriously complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it. Psalm 139:14



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