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One Moment At A Time

During my struggle with infertility, I was keenly aware of every moment passing, every hour and every day that would potentially bring me closer to seeing a positive pregnancy test.

It took six years.

During my pregnancy, I was still keenly aware of those passing moments and days to a healthy delivery of four babies all at once.

As my children grew and I navigated the milestones of potty training four at once, teaching them to read and doing four science fair projects, my motto for life was ingrained in me:

One Day At A Time

This motto escorted me through my life challenges: divorce, moving to Austin, teenage milestones like teaching four to drive, the 18th birthday celebration and then the empty nest.

It empowered me through my Life Coach training, launching my business and Positive Psychology Program and relational disappointments.

I am often asked; “How did you do it?”

My answer is; “I took one day at a time.”

As we navigate a global pandemic, I have my motto in the forefront of my mind and heart each day and profoundly realized it to be:

One Moment At A Time

My motto ushers in peace, oneness with myself, a wholehearted feeling and love. I am able to see each moment in life as a beautiful gift.

Related Resources: Need help with a daily practice of gratitude and savoring?

Free Mindfulness practices for you in this moment:

Do you want your teen or young adult daughter to have a toolkit of flourishing skills? Now is the time to join our:

So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time. Matthew 6:34 TLB


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