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I'll Handle It

"What if” thoughts swirl around in my brain.

I know them to be worry thoughts, always relating to the future, the unknown, the uncertain.

As I notice these thoughts, my golden nugget response is:

“I’ll handle it!”

Then I reframe the worry thought in my head and sometimes out loud. The worry thought runs smack into a wall and loses power over me.

Emotions that were triggered by the worry thought can now move through me and float away. I welcome a calm and anchored sense of stability and trust in my capability and resilience to meet life with my “golden nugget.”

My kids and I discovered this golden nugget during our book club reading of: “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers. We discussed the fact that our biggest fear is that we will not be able to handle what comes our way in life.

Her life motto to meet our fears is to tell ourselves we can handle it. Afterall, we are still here now and have handled life events up to this point and we will continue to.

I have been saying this to myself frequently as our world events and culture become more unpredictable.

Immediately after I say I’ll handle it, I notice I slow down my pace of life and bring my mind into the present moment.

This practice helps me not take the small beauties of each day for granted. The sunshine, a deep conversation, a hug or a fresh bouquet of flowers.

When I see my children, friends or clients battling worry thoughts, I can share my golden nugget and see the peace overcome the angst.

One simple phrase.

“I’ll handle it!”

Loaded with POWER!

The peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:7


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