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Ask For It

How do I persevere when I struggle to understand the storms of life?

How do I remain steadfast in thought and action?

I ask for wisdom.

When the Covid-19 first struck the U.S. my son was living in NYC. He was living in the epicenter of the virus at that time, surrounded by uncertainty, panic and extreme life adjustments. His three siblings and I were in Austin.

We were all struggling to find solid ground, navigate the waves of information and stay safe.

As a part of our weekly family dinner and book club, I introduced a challenge.

A wisdom challenge.

Read one wisdom chapter a day in the book of Proverbs. We would finish the book in one month, as there are 31 chapters total.

One of the overarching themes, repeated in each chapter is wisdom. Seek wisdom.


We discussed that wisdom is an anchor. It helps us remain steadfast.

It can realign our vision that is so easily distorted.

If we know we are anchored, then we can persevere. Perseverance brings maturity to our faith.

Wisdom can protect us, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Wisdom is personified as a friend. One who guides us. Leads us.

Nuggets of wisdom help us rest and remain calm.

And over time, we become can become wise Souls.

We can invite others to be anchored in wisdom with us.

The daily practice of asking for wisdom was my anchor during that uncertain time. It is not a lesson I have forgotten.

Now, a year later, as I see different kinds of storms, areas of uncertainty in my life, decisions to make, new “waters” to explore, I can go back to the one thing that anchors me through it all.


And I can boldly ask for it.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5



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