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The Cocoon

It’s dark and lonely.

It is uncomfortable, even painful.

It’s boring.

Early in October, a crisis struck our family.

My daughter was in a serious car accident resulting in multiple fractures, injuries and surgeries.

This rocked our family and ushered us into a time of change, challenge and thankfulness for our very lives.

My daughter was in the ICU in Fort Worth. I immediately drove to be with her and stayed by myself in a cozy bed and breakfast. My only focus was to help her, support her and “be” by her side.

I began each morning with a time of prayer, reflection and listening.

One morning, as I reflected on truth and listened to my heart, I got a picture of her in a cocoon.

I saw her in a dark place, not able to move, painful and unknowing the future.

It looked grim and lonely.

But it was not the end of the story.

The cocoon is the pathway for transformation to a butterfly. It lies still, receives without having to give, gathers nutrients and waits. It’s metamorphosis brings actual reconstruction of its body.

I saw her emerging as a rare and beautiful butterfly, free and alive.

I made a note of this picture and tucked it in my heart. It planted hope in my heart and soul.

As I drove to the hospital that day, I came to a red light and stopped.

As I waited for the light to turn green, a butterfly land on my windshield.

I was awestruck.

I then noticed the back of the car in front of me plastered with stickers of butterflies!

I was filled with joy and amazement.

I received a powerful revelation of God’s love and power and the fact He “sees” us and is with us, never leaves us.

I shared the story with my daughter and as we journey through this “cocoon” season, she can know the fullness of her story is yet to come.

Because, as with the butterfly, there is no visible sign to signal the emergence of the butterfly from its chrysalis. It just suddenly cracks open and out comes the butterfly. It strengthens its wings and begins to fly.

She now receives random gifts, cards and reflections of butterflies from people who did not know our story.

Utterly amazing.

And as she does, I just smile with gratitude in my heart.

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, we are being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18


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